New Post!

Day 0-1 Of Long Flights and Beer

It is currently after midnight on Monday morning for me, so technically day two. I made it to Regensburg with little mishap, walked to see the train station, had a German beer, and froze my hands off, but I’m too tired to write about it now so here’s a picture of me in front of the cathedral here. image More tomorrow! (Or later today I guess)

It’s Spelled with a ‘u’!

I will be in Regensburg on Sunday! (And yes, I was having trouble remembering how to spell it, so hopefully this post will straighten it out in my head.)

I fly out on Saturday morning and arrive in Germany 24 hours later due to the time difference. From Munich (München), I’ll take a shuttle to my hotel in Regensburg, a city in southern Germany (in Bavaria, (or Bayern, if you speak German)) with another girl on the program who happens to be on the same flight as me. I’ll  probably get in to town at noon, which is a shame because the hotel is only open from 9-11 am and 4-6 pm, so I’ll have to wait a few hours before I can check in. On Monday, we’ll be given a tour of Regensburg, and class will start on Tuesday.

We already have a few things planned for the first week. On the 29th, our professors have signed us up for a tour of the nearby BMW plant, and on the 31st we will go as a group to Munich for sightseeing.

Hopefully I will have enough internet access to put up blog posts. I want to try to do something blog-worthy every day, but we’ll see how that goes. Internet connectivity might be spotty, apparently, so I might have to write posts and save them for later when I can find a wifi signal somewhere.

I finished up whatever shopping I needed to do for the trip today, except that I don’t have a rain coat, which might be a problem. I’ll try another store tomorrow and see if I can find anything- rain coats are hard to come by in Arizona. Otherwise, I’m pretty much set to go!

See you soon, Germany!