New Post!

Day 7, Of Scarves

So I’m skipping a day of blog to go back and write up later when I’ve had a chance to upload more pictures. It’s a pain in the butt to do because the internet times out every few minutes on my little tablet and I have to keep signing back in, so I can’t just leave it alone for an hour to upload all the photos at once. So anyway, Munich adventures will be posted tomorrow probably.

Today my roommate and I stuck around Regensburg. I wanted to go see Kuchlbauer Tower, a weird little building that’s part of a brewery not far from here (it’s super odd-looking, look it up (apparently, the man who commisioned it wanted “a tower for his gnomes”. Wut.)) but the only way to get to it is by car, and a taxi ride that far would have been too expensive. Instead, we walked around Regensburg for a while. We went to Pustet, the big bookstore here, and got our books for class. Then we went shopping for fun and let me say, Europeans pay way too much for their clothes.

I’ve noticed that Europeans, or at least Germans, care more about fashion than the average American. Or maybe just more than me. They seem to focus more on the material and the brand than Americans do, and they have a huge thing for scarves. They wear scarves in all seasons, both men and woman, and I’ve seen silk scarves for sale in the department store here for 120 Euros. Maybe I’m just in the wrong station of life to really know how I feel about how much money to spend on clothes, but still, 120 for one scarf?

I could eat for a few days here with that.

Speaking of eating, I have been taking pictures of some of the traditional Bavarian fare I’ve had (and some of the non-Bavarian Indian and Turkish food) but it’s mostly been with my iPod which has a crappy camera. I will try to get pictures on the actual camera to maybe show some of traditional dishes here on my blog on an upcoming post about food (yay food!).

PS- It has rained so much that the Donau (Danube) is apparently flooding and the some of the shops by the river have been blocked off.

10 Comments on “Day 7, Of Scarves”

  1. Aunt Elaine says:

    Awesome stuff, chickadee! Be safe!

  2. Uncle Steve says:

    Hey Claire,

    Remember to go places in pairs. Stay safe, have fun, and keep the posts and pictures coming.
    Hope to see you in August.
    Uncle Steve

  3. Ich hoffe du stirbst nicht. Das wird die ganze Familie traurig machen.

  4. Gma says:

    All that cold and rain! Global warming for sure.
    On the bright side, you are missing at least some of summer in AZ.

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