New Post!

Day 8 and 9, Of Rain and More Rain

Not much happened here yesterday, because it was Sunday and lots of places were closed. My roomate and I went out to dinner and drinks, but other than that we mostly did homework to get ahead on work for when we travel on the upcoming weekends.

Things in the train station are open 24/7 so I walked over there to go to the grocery store therein. I actually wanted to get some milk, but they didn’t appear to have any so I left with a Pretzel and a wonderful invention called quarkini from the bakery instead. I don’t actually know what it is (I know quark is a weird, super soft cheese that’s almost yogurt-like in consistency because I was at the grocery store Saturday and bought some to have with crackers for lunch) but they were kind of like a cross between donut holes and indian sweets one of my friends has made me before. Definitely going to eat more of them.

Anyway, it rained pretty much all day. I went out a couple times, once for the train station and once just to take walk in the Altstadt before we went to dinner. I went down to the Donau to see the flooding and I wasn’t the only one; despite the rain, there were lots of people on the stone bridge. The whirlpools in the river seemed even stronger than before, and the two separate streams have combined. Since yesterday was pretty uneventful, the below before and after pictures of the Danube are pretty much the only things of interest I have to show. I tried to take a better picture of the Dom to post too, but it didn’t turn out. Maybe when it stops raining.







Today, I have regular class so I don’t think there will be anything exciting to report. I’ve stopped buying tea when we go to the cafe for my lit class, because 2,90 Euros is too much to spend on a cup of hot water and a tea bag. Everything here is fairly expensive. I think tomorrow for the culture class we are supposed to ride a bus around Regensburg, so look for an update about that.

Bis später!

2 Comments on “Day 8 and 9, Of Rain and More Rain”

  1. Grandmom and Pop says:

    I always heard things in Europe were more expensive. Now we know I guess we shoujd be happy with what we have.Have fun in the rain

    • thediaryofadork says:

      I will!i usually like the rain too, I guess just not the cold AND the rain together. Oh well, so far it hasn’t really stopped us from doing stuff

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